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Keep Your Drains Clean with These at Home Cleaning Tips
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A clean residential sink and drain in Decatur, IL that has been kept clean with expert plumbing cleaning tips.

Keep Your Drains Clean with These at Home Cleaning Tips

If your drains have started to smell bad, then one solution is to call a plumber to schedule a drain cleaning service. However, there are also a few things you can do at home to help your drains to stay cleaner for longer. Try using these home drain cleaning tips to keep the bathroom and kitchen smelling fresh in your Decatur, IL home.

Use a Drain Stopper

A dirty drain stopper that is holding food and preventing a residential drain from becoming clogged in Decatur, IL.A drain stopper is a useful device that prevents hair, scraps of food, and other potentially smelly objects from falling into your drains. By keeping these substances out of your drains, you can prevent bad smells.

Note that you need to clean your drain stopper regularly to prevent it from smelling. Every day, simply lift it out of the drain and remove any items that it has caught. To prevent it from smelling, you can scrub the drain stopper with dish soap, rinse it off, and replace it in your drain to keep everything smelling fresh.

Unblock Clogged Drains

If one of your drains is working a lot more slowly than usual, then you can use a drain auger or drain snake to remove anything that is stuck inside. The sooner you can break up and remove organic clogs, the less likely they are to start to rot and smell. Removing clogs before they become serious also reduces the risk of having to call out an emergency plumber because the drain has become completely blocked.

Use a Natural Drain Cleaning Solution

A homeowner using a homemade mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clean the inside of garbage disposal and plumbing stem in Decatur, IL.Sometimes you can’t reach whatever is clogging up your drain using a drain snake. In that case, the best solution, short of calling a professional plumber, is to use a drain cleaning solution.

You can make your own drain cleaning solution at home by mixing baking soda with vinegar. When you mix these acidic and alkaline ingredients, a chemical reaction occurs, which causes the mixture to fizz and turn into a highly effective homemade drain cleaner. Pour the mixture down the drain that smells bad and wait a while before rinsing with hot water.

Call Your Local Plumbing Service

If you can’t stop the drains in your Decatur, IL home from smelling bad, then it could be a sign that there is a serious clog developing deep inside your home plumbing system. If this is your situation, then it is time to call a local plumbing company to deal with your troublesome drains.

Sewer & Septic Specialist provides drain cleaning services, video drain inspections, and sewer services in Decatur, IL. Contact us any day of the week through our website or by calling (217) 855-5622 to discuss the problem with your drains and arrange for our team at Sewer & Septic Specialist to come out and clean them.

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