(217) 855-5622


(309) 830-3962

  • Trust the experts to tackle your messiest sewer and septic situations.
  • If you're dealing with a difficult sewer or septic system, expert help is only a call away.
  • Count on quality sewer and septic solutions from Sewer & Septic Specialist.
Aqua Safe
One Call Does It All!

We are your full service licensed Sewer, Septic, and Drain Cleaning Company in Central Illinois!

What is an Aqua Safe Aerobic Septic System & Why Do You Need It?

An experienced technician examines a residential septic system in Lincoln, IL.

A well-functioning septic system is a crucial part of any residential property because household waste cannot be disposed of properly without it. An aerobic septic system is a sewage treatment system similar to a septic tank but on a smaller scale. It uses an aerobic process for absorption and produces a high-quality discharge of waste […]